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Acupuncture for Weight loss

Marianne Killick

One of the most frequent enquiries I get is around acupuncture for weight loss. Whilst there is some positive research out there about this subject, it’s worth being a little more nuanced than simply stating acupuncture makes you lose weight.

What’s not clear from the research is whether there is a direct mechanism that means having acupuncture means the pounds start dropping off, or whether more complex results are occuring, I’m inclined to go with the latter.

We know from research that when patients taking the diabetic drug, metformin also had acupuncture, they lost more weight than those on metformin alone. We know from other studies that those combining lifestyle changes with acupuncture do better than lifestyle alone.

So what’s happening? On the whole, people gain excess weight for more than one reason, any combination of the following can occur:

  1. Eating more calories than are burnt

  2. Having a disrupted metabolism

  3. Struggling with chronic inflammation

  4. Certain medications

  5. Thyroid problems or hormone dysregulation

  6. Emotional eating

  7. Physical problems resulting in reduced movement

  8. Alcohol consumption

  9. Nutrional deficiencies

  10. Genetic predisposition

So, what do we know acupuncture does?

We know from the vast body of research out there now about acupuncture, that is great at helping us unwind and de-stress. When it does this, we sleep better, when we sleep better, we make healthier choices and have more energy to move our bodies. When we are less stressed it’s easier to stick to healthy eating rather than have a “stuff it I’m having it anyway” attitude.

Acupuncture boosts our mood. When we feel good we are more likely to feel energised and motivated to do more, this burns more calories and helps create a positive spiral of change.

We know that acupuncture helps improve our digestive function, allowing us to get more of the goodness out of the food we eat, feel more comfortable and less bloated and clogged up. It helps regulate our appetite and puts us more in tune with our bodies and therefore our ability to discern whether we are really hungry or just bored or maybe thirsty.

We know it supports regulation of our endocrine (hormone) system. Who hasn’t had the pre-menstrual munchies? Eliminate that and it helps us make better choices.

And we know acupuncture helps in addiction, reducing cravings and helping people stay on track with their goals.

So when you look at all these combined it makes sense that those wishing to lose weight find acupuncture a fantastic tool alongside their healthty choices. Like anything health related, it’s approaching healthy change from a long-term perspective. If you want to be healthy it’s never going to be something achieved by a short term fix, it’s being in it for the long haul. Can acupuncture support you, it most definitely can.

If you’d like to know more or discuss your situation with Marianne please email on

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