What is Acupuncture?
Good health is more than just being free from pain or illness. In traditional Chinese philosophy, it relies on the smooth and balanced flow of vital energy through channels known as meridians beneath the skin.
This energy flow can be disrupted by factors such as emotional stress—like anxiety, anger, or grief—along with poor nutrition, genetics, infections, and trauma. When qi becomes unbalanced, illness can occur. Acupuncture works to restore this balance by stimulating the body’s natural healing processes.
A skilled practitioner (a professional acupuncturist will have undergone three years degree level training in acupuncture) identifies patterns of imbalance through a unique diagnosis, often based on a complex set of symptoms, and selects specific acupuncture points to effectively address the root cause.
Conditions Treated
Although rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture now has a robust scientific evidence base and is widely recommended by the medical profession including in some NICE guidelines. There are now many clinical trials into acupuncture and the research base is growing. There are now over 13,000 studies into acupuncture in the last twenty years with 117 conditions (the list keeps growing) with evidence of effectiveness. Marianne applies a blend of her TCM training and the latest clinical research into her approach to patients.
Some people seek acupuncture for specific issues, while others use it for preventative care or general well-being. Many women turn to acupuncture during pregnancy, post-birth, and through life changes. It is considered suitable for all ages, including children.
Acupuncture treats the whole person, not just isolated symptoms, making it effective for a wide range of conditions.
Feel free to ask Marianne about the latest research into your condition and how acupuncture can help.
What to Expect
During your first appointment, a detailed medical history will be taken, followed by an assessment of your pulse and tongue from a traditional Chinese medicine perspective.
Treatment involves the insertion of very fine, sterile, single-use needles into specific acupuncture points tailored to address your individual imbalances. You may feel a tingling or dull ache when the needle is inserted.
Marianne will discuss how many treatments may be required, ranging from a few sessions to long-term care. Additional treatments like heat therapy or cupping may also be used.
If you're on medication, inform both your doctor and Marianne, as it may influence your treatment response.
How Acupuncture can Affect You
For most people, acupuncture is a calming and relaxing experience that leaves them feeling refreshed and stress-free.
Occasionally, patients may feel slightly tired after a session, but this usually passes quickly. In rare cases, a patient may feel faint during needle insertion; if this happens, the needles are removed immediately until the patient is comfortable to continue. Minor bruising can occur, though it’s uncommon—please inform your practitioner if it does. Patients are welcome to contact Marianne between sessions if they have any concerns.
To avoid light-headedness, it’s best not to attend treatment on an empty stomach. After the session, it’s recommended to avoid alcohol, hot baths, strenuous activity, and recreational drugs for the remainder of the day.